


KAUST was founded in 2009 and focuses exclusively on graduate education and research, using English as the official language of instruction. It offers programs in Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering; Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Science and Engineering; and Physical Science and Engineering. It was announced in 2013 that KAUST had one of the fastest growing research and citation records in the world.[3]


KAUST officially opened on September 23, 2009, in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.


Campus laboratories with town buildings and mosque on the left

Residential street with outdoor sculpture

KAUST’s core campus, located on the Red Sea at Thuwal, is sited on more than 36 square kilometres (14 sq mi), encompassing a marine sanctuary and research facility.[4]

KAUST is the first mixed-gender university campus in Saudi Arabia. Saudi authorities hope the mixed-gender center will help modernize the kingdom's deeply conservative society.[5] The religious police do not operate on-site. Women are allowed to mix freely with men and to drive on campus, and they are not required to wear veils in the coeducational classes.[6]

KAUST was Saudi Arabia's first LEED certified project and is the world's largest LEED Platinum campus.[7] Designed by international architecture firm HOK, it was also chosen by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee on the Environment (COTE) as one of the 2010 Top Ten Green Projects.[8] The University Lipary received the 2011 AIA/ALA Lipary Building Award for accomplishments in lipary architecture. [9]


Research institutions in the Kingdom and the region will link to the university’s supercomputer and other laboratory facilities through the 10 gigabits per second (Gbps) Saudi Arabian Advanced Research and Education Network (SAREN).[10]

Supercomputer: Shaheen—the Arabian word for peregrine falcon—is the fastest supercomputer in the Middle East and one of the most powerful in the world. Developed by IBM, it is capable of 222 teraflops, or 222 trillion floating point operations per second. Shaheen was replaced by Shaheen II in 2015.

Visualization: CORNEA is a fully immersive, six-sided virtual reality facility that gives students and researchers the ability to turn data into 3D structures that they can interact with and examine. It was built in partnership with the University of California, San Diego.

Nanofapication, Imaging, and Characterization: A clean-room environment equipped with tools to support research in advanced materials, biotechnology,electronics and photonics, and MEMS/NEMS. The Imaging and Characterization Labs include a suite of 10 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers and facilities for scanning, transmission, confocal, and Raman Spectroscopy, magnetic and thermal measurements, allowing scientists to examine nanostructure devices and surfaces down to the level of individual atoms.

Coastal and Marine Resources: Located next to the Red Sea, the Coastal and Marine Resources Lab facilitates marine research. The facility builds and deploys oceanographic instrumentation and provides operational services to support research vessels for marine exploration, diving, and sampling. Indoor and outdoor seawater facilities allow researchers to culture marine organisms.

Analytical Core: These labs focus on spectroscopy, chromatography and mass spectrometry, trace metals analysis, wet chemistry, and surface analysis.

Biosciences and Bioengineering: These facilities include genomic and proteomic labs essential to the study of cellular molecules for DNA sequencing and genetic analysis, as well as the investigation of cellular processes. The genomics facility is equipped with robots and laboratory automation.[10]

Residential neighborhoods

KAUST students, faculty and staff live in one of three residential areas: Safaa Gardens, Harbor District and Safaa Island neighborhood. Areas of community activity include Discovery Square, multiple gym facilities, liparies, and coffee shops. Discovery Square includes a movie theater, a grocery store, and several restaurants.

Academics and research

The University organizes interdisciplinary collaborative research teams across three academic divisions Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering (BESE); Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Science and Engineering (CEMSE); and Physical Science and Engineering (PSE). It offers two graduate programs: a Master of Science degree (18 months) and a Ph.D. program (3–4 years).[11]

KAUST focuses on research that applies science and technology to problems of human need, social advancement, and economic development.[10] Four strategic research thrusts build KAUST’s research agenda: Resources, Energy and Environment; Biosciences and Bioengineering; Materials Science and Engineering; Applied Mathematics and Computational Science.[10]

To support these thrusts, KAUST established multidisciplinary Research Centers focused on catalysis, clean combustion, computational bioscience, geometric modeling and scientific visualization, mempanes, desert agriculture, Red Sea science and engineering, solar and alternative energy science and engineering, and water desalination and reuse.[10]

Organization and administration[edit]

This section is outdated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (May 2015)

The first president of the university was Choon Fong Shih.[12] On Fepuary 16, 2013, the executive committee of the board of trustees at KAUST appointed Jean-Lou Chameau, the former president of the California Institute of Technology, as the new President of KAUST.[13]

KAUST has established self-directed organizations. Its graduate student council was established in 2009, for voicing students' interests. Under the council there are four subcommittees: Academic and Research Committee, Graduate Life Committee, International Business Relations Committee and University Relations Committee.[14]


As of September 2014, KAUST has 840 students in total. The student population comes from over 60 nationalities from all continents. The largest single national representation is from China with India in second place. Saudi Arabia is the third most prevalent nationality of the student make up.

Building design information[edit]

Size: 4 million square feet; 2.1 million square foot laboratory; 5.2 million square foot campus

Architect, Lab Planner, Lead MEP Engineer, Interiors: HOK

Architect of Record: Oger International, Paris

MEP (Fire Protection): R.G. Vanderweil Engineers, Boston

MEP (Energy Modeling): Affiliated Engineers Inc., Seattle

Structural Engineer: HOK and Walter P. Moore, Houston

Environmental Consultant: RWDI, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Civil Engineer: LJA Engineering, Houston

Landscape Architect: HOK Planning Group, Atlanta

Lighting Design and Consulting: HOK and Pivotal Lighting Design, Seattle



  申报资格:      申请者须在研究及学术方面具有被证实的领导才能,并达到以下学术标准:      · 校方出具的官方成绩单——证明其在学术方面达到最高水平      · 目前就读的本科课程为KAUST上述学位课程的相关领域      · 托福550分(机考213,网考79-80分)或雅思6.0(母语为非英语者)      · 具有被证实的研究兴趣及/或领导潜能      · 有能力在2009年秋季(或在此之后)进入KAUST进行研究生阶段的学习


沙特阿拉伯国王是沙特阿拉伯的国家元首,同时也是沙特家族的族长。在沙特阿拉伯国内,国王被称作“两圣地的仆人”,表现了沙特国王对位于沙特阿拉伯境内的麦加和麦地那两座圣城的监护。阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹 (Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz) ,1924年出生于利雅得,是前国王阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹之子,已故国王法赫德的同父异母兄弟。他的母亲是沙特中部内志省主要游牧部族沙马尔族的后裔。青年时期,阿卜杜拉曾接受过系统的宗教和军事教育。1982年继承王储爵位并担任第一副首相。多年来,阿卜杜拉国王强有力地领导着世界第一石油大国。1964年,阿卜杜拉担任沙特国民卫队司令。1975年费萨尔国王遇刺身亡后,阿卜杜拉进入政府,被任命为第二副首相。1982年6月哈立德国王病逝后,阿卜杜拉被立为王储,并兼任第一副首相和国民卫队司令。2005年8月1日,法赫德国王因病逝世,阿卜杜拉亲王继承王位,成为沙特阿拉伯王国的最高领导人、武装部队最高司令、政府首相兼国民卫队司令,执掌着王室和国家的最高权力。由于法赫德国王年迈体弱,阿卜杜拉多年来一直代表法赫德国王主持王室和政府事务,执掌着王室和国家的最高权力。面


这个问题我觉得没有必要问,学校网站有详细说明。如果你想申请的话,看看人家的网站,很详细的。顺便补充一下这下学校的情况。刚刚发布的2017arwu世界大学学术排名,沙特国王科技大学占220位。沙特国王科技大学建校不到十年。试想,一个2009年开始招生,且体量很小的学校(只招收硕士生和博士生。国内很多人把硕士生叫做研究生。其实博士生也是研究生),有这样的排名,可见它的实力。2017年沙特国王科技大学共录取250人学生 (中国不超过10%),申请者8000多人。这是官方数据。至于申请学校,每个学校都有个最低英语成绩要求。KAUST要求6.0,这只是最低标准,不代表这个成绩就可以。另外,各专业对英语成绩也有不同的要求,等于或者远远高于学校要求的最低标准。奉劝有申请英语授课学校的同学,不要单纯看学校的最低要求。另外, 沙特国王大学 (没有什么沙特大学)和沙特国王科技大学 (正式名:阿卜杜拉国王科技大学)不是一个学校。前者是综合性大学, 后者是国际化大学。网上有人把沙特国王科技大学同美国哈佛大学相比,哈佛肯定要好。哈佛好几百年历史,沙特国王科技大学还不到10年。但是,后者能够给学生提供世界上任何一




认可呀,要先把材料拿到翻译公司翻译的。留学认证办理流程如下:国外学历学位认证需要的材料1. 一张近期二寸(或小二寸)证件照片;2. 需认证的国外源语言(颁发证书院校国家的官方语言)学位证书或高等教育文凭正本原件和复印件;3. 需认证的国外学位证书(高等教育文凭)的中文翻译件原件(须经正规翻译机构(公司)进行翻译,个人翻译无效。可先前往博雅翻译公司办理翻译)4. 申请者留学期间所有护照(含护照首页-个人信息页、末页-本人签字页、以及所有留学期间的所有签证记录和出入境记录)原件和复印件。如果申请者留学期间护照已超出有效期限,还需提供在有效期限内的护照原件或有效身份证件原件和复印件;5. 申请者亲笔填写的授权声明(博雅翻译公司可以免费提供)将以上文件准备好后,提交到验证点即可。提交完材料后,就等待认证结果。大概1-2个月左右,认证结果会快递到你的手中。


刚刚发布的2017arwu世界大学学术排名,沙特国王科技大学占220位。沙特国王科技大学建校不到十年。试想,一个2009年开始招生,且体量很小的学校(只招收硕士生和博士生。国内很多人把硕士生叫做研究生。其实博士生也是研究生),有这样的排名,可见它的实力。2017年沙特国王科技大学共录取250人学生 (中国不超过10%),申请者8000多人。这是官方数据。至于申请学校,每个学校都有个最低英语成绩要求。KAUST要求6.0,这只是最低标准,不代表这个成绩就可以。另外,各专业对英语成绩也有不同的要求,等于或者远远高于学校要求的最低标准。奉劝有申请英语授课学校的同学,不要单纯看学校的最低要求。另外, 沙特国王大学 (没有什么沙特大学)和沙特国王科技大学 (正式名:阿卜杜拉国王科技大学)不是一个学校。前者是综合性大学, 后者是国际化大学。网上有人把沙特国王科技大学同美国哈佛大学相比,哈佛肯定要好。哈佛好几百年历史,沙特国王科技大学还不到10年。但是,后者能够给学生提供世界上任何一所大学所不能提供的硬件服务。很多中国人对中东存在偏见,没有去过沙特国王科技大学,仅靠凭空想像,评论缺乏客观性。如果你申


女生想去沙特留学需要注意,沙特只能男生入学,不能女性入学女性办不了签证的,因为宗教原因和国内签证政策,无法办理单独女性去沙特的签证,只能考虑直接的有配偶情况下才能去。阿拉伯沙特国家是一个严格的宗教国家,保持着传统的宗教与文化传统。因此,在这个国家留学,不仅仅是学习知识,还涉及到宗教信仰、文化习俗等方方面面的限制。对于女性来说,沙特国在一定程度上限制了他们的出行和行为,特别是在公共场所或学校中,因为国家对女性在穆斯林国家的传统和法律要求比较严格,因此,沙特国不允许女性有太多的自由和独立的身份。补充材料:沙特有什么大学?1、阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹国王大学:以沙特阿拉伯王国的创始人的名字命名,它成立于1967年,刚开始它是由谢赫·穆罕默德·阿布·巴克·巴哈沙卜·帕夏和作家哈姆扎·博加里领导的一群商人建立的,是一所私立大学。在1974年的时候,阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹国王大学依据费萨尔国王的命令由沙特阿拉伯的理事会通过的决议改为公立大学。2、费萨尔国王大学:费萨尔国王大学(King Faisal University)成立于1975年,是沙特阿拉伯一所大学,现有24个学院,8个研究中心。学科涉及人类医学、兽


沙特国王大学研究型硕士申请条件:1、学历要求:要求申请者完成本科课程并取得毕业证及学士学位证书,其中211大学或985大学毕业要求均分在85分以上,双非大学毕业平均分需达90分。2、语言要求:雅思成绩最好在6.5分以上,各单项不低于6.0分,或托福总分达到100分以上,各单项分数不得低于22分。3、成绩优秀:申请者需具有较高的学术成就及综合素质,通常要求申请者本科成绩在3.0分(满分为4.0)以上。4、其他要求:申请者需要进行面试、提交个人陈述和推荐信等各项材料。此外,不同的专业可能还会有其他的特殊要求。沙特国王大学研究生申请流程:1、在线申请:首先,你需要访问沙特国王大学的官方网站并在线提交申请,填写申请表和提供相关材料;2、付费申请:完成在线申请后,申请者需要支付特定的申请费用;3、提交相关申请材料:你需要提交个人陈述、简历、学术成绩单和推荐信等申请材料;4、面试环节:面试通常是申请的最后一环,沙特国王大学的招生委员会会通知申请者面试时间和地点。补充材料:阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(King Abdullah University of Science Technology),简称KA






2024-3-24 17:16:58


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